Neale Goldingay @ Monkey training school in Surat Thani

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Month to month accomodation has to be found

Ocean view accommodation in Phuket

Day 15: Living in Thailand

Decided to take in a movie today, most major towns have a movie theater, and lots are state of the art theaters better than any in America I came across. Not all towns have films in English; prices are dependant on seats and times $5 - $8 in general.

  • Trip to the Movie Theater 220 Baht - $7.40
  • Groceries 35 Baht - $1.15
Total for the day: 255 Baht $8.55- Total Remaining: 3,085 Baht

accommodation with a kitchen in Phuket most decent rentals in Phuket have awesome bathrooms accommodation with an ocean view in Phuket

Finding a decent month to month rental in Phuket.
The pictures today are all from a place that I rented in Phuket the monthly rate was around $450 considerably better than the first place I found in just a few hours on foot. This one had an ocean view "in the distance" was larger and was basically better in every area.

On foot alone you would never find this place, it would be practically impossible, as it�s half way up a mountain and well of the beaten track. Even though you may not like the idea of renting a small motor-bike the fact is without one you are going to seriously disadvantaged, and even though it is possible to find something like this without a bike, you will need to go back and forth to where ever.

Finding places like this take time because when you arrive, the first place will seem like an excellent deal, only after a few days will you hear of others paying a lot less for more, this all takes time. It is possible to jump straight to a longer-term rental with lease and all. Something I will cover tomorrow. This too has a lot of pitfalls �everything will seem like a great deal� when in fact most are over priced. Only physically been in Thailand for a month or more will you start to get a vague sense of what is correctly priced. Even now 18 months after arriving in Thailand I�m still learning that better value exists that what I thought was unbeatable a few months back Places like the one pictured today are a dime a dozen on Phuket it�s finding them that is not easy, you will need to go down side streets and up mountains.

Neale Goldingay   Continue Reading Day 16: Living with more than $1,500 a month, and leasing a house.

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